Monthly Archives: December 2015

Wednesday Words #53 (12/30/15)

Welcome to Wednesday Words!  Every Wednesday I will post some sort of prompt for a flash fiction piece.  The prompt will go live just after midnight Eastern time.

The prompt might be a picture, or it might be a list of things to include in a story, or maybe a phrase or a question or something from a “news of the weird” type thing, or a… who knows?

After that, it’s up to you.  But if you do use the prompt to write a bit of flash fiction (say, 500 words or so) I’d love to see what you came up with, so comment below with a link to where it is on your blog (or on WattPad or wherever).

(And a pingback to the post here where you found the prompt would be appreciated but isn’t necessary.)

Oh, and this isn’t a contest or anything.  It’s just a (hopefully) fun thing for all concerned.

And, hey, if it inspires more than 500 or so words, run with it!

This week’s prompt:

A two parter!

Write from the point of view of someone denied admittance into a group (club, whatever) that s/he applied to.

Write from the point of view of the person doing the denial.


And, as always, I’d love to see what you come up with!


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Everyone Talks About It…

… but no one ever does anything about it.

The weather, that is.  It’s so much a part of our every day existence that we kind of take it for granted and not give it a lot of thought, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but I’ve started thinking about it a lot the last few days, mostly because our weather has been sucking big time.

It’s been raining or grey, no sun to speak of for months except for an occasional hour or two or an even more rare day of no clouds.  We’ve also been unseasonably warm (60F in Western Pennsylvania at Christmas is just not normal by any stretch of the imagination).  We’re down in the 30s now but still raining, and it’s really getting to me.  I’m getting short tempered, I’m tired all the time, and I’m feeling stressed, burned out, and drained.  Not to mention that it’s wreaking havoc on my sinuses and joints.

So, if it’s affecting me that much, why not my characters?

I started thinking about whether or not I use weather in my writing, and the answer is that I do, as part of scene setting (for instance, a blizzard, or a thunderstorm, or sleet, etc) but am I taking full advantage of how the weather affects people?

No, not really.

Should I be?

I’m not sure.

I mean, yeah, if it’s important to the plot or to help define the character or set the scene, then definitely the weather and their reaction to it should be brought into play.  But a daily weather report in the novel?  Probably not needed.

But yet, weather is always there, which leads me to wonder how much other day to day stuff is left out of writing?

And what can we do about it?  Or should we do anything about it?

Food for thought.


Filed under writing

Sunday Snippet December 27, 2015

So, Taliya was accosted by a couple detective types about an explosion at the dealer where she had bought her ship.  Skipping ahead a bit, but she was taken to the station and questioned, even though she wasn’t a suspect.  When she returned to her ship, she found that it had been searched in her absence.


“Pendelia Four Planetary Investigations.”

“This is Taliya Swann of the Vain Glory.  I need to speak to Agent Ridi or Agent Capize.  Immediately.”

“I am sorry, ma’am, they are both out of the office.  I can leave a message for them and they will contact you when they come in.”

Taliya took a grip on her rising anger.  “What part of ‘immediately’ makes you think that I want to wait until they return to the office?    I know they are reachable.  Put me through to one of them. Now.”

“One moment, ma’am.”

Eventually the blank hold screen was replaced by a face she had hoped she would not have to see again:  Agent Capize.

“Was my ship searched while I was off of it?”

“Yes, we searched your ship.”

“On what grounds?”

“That is part of an open investigation.  I cannot divulge that information.”

“I’ll tell you what you can divulge,” she spat.  “You can divulge who I contact to get a crew back here to clean up the mess they made.  I want everything put back the way it was within the hour or I will be contacting an attorney regarding an illegal search, not to mention detaining me and harassing me.  Furthermore, if I discover any irregularities in my accounts or with my ship, your department will hear about it and will be held accountable.”

“Miss Swann…”

“Miss Swann, nothing.  I was detained and questioned as if I was a suspect.  I was not charged nor was I permitted to contact my attorney.  This gets cleaned up – now – or there will be repercussions.”

Want to read more snippets from some really great authors?
Check out Sunday Snippets on Face Book.








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Rainbow Snippet for 12-26-2015

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Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, bloggers, and readers to gather once a week and share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).   Check out all the other awesome snippets by clicking on the picture above.

I decided to continue with excerpts from my science fiction semi-paranormal M/M erotic romance, Sanguine, since it’s on sale for 99 cents for the remainder of the year.  I’m picking up from where I left off in last Saturday’s snippet.


Gregor turned away from him, bracing his hands on the dresser.  His shoulders were shaking and Kaen wanted to go to him, to hold him.

“Say it.” Kaen’s voice was a whisper.

“Your lover,” he choked. “I want to be your lover.”

“Was that so hard?” Kaen asked gently, coming up behind him.  Strong arms encircled him and pulled him upright, holding him against his chest as he nuzzled the back of his neck. 

The only response Gregor could muster fell somewhere between a moan, a whimper, and a sob, and Kaen smiled. 

“I am sorry,” Kaen whispered.  “I was not angry with you, Gregor.  I just… I don’t know what to do with the feelings that I have for you.  It has been so long…”

Gregor turned to face him.  “Master,” he whispered.  “Do with them – with me – whatever you wish.”




Kaen Yblis is a man with a past – if only he could remember it. He lost his memories in a duel with another vampire, and for centuries he has been alone, not even aware of all that had been torn from him.

Until he meets Gregor Vladescu, a young human who stirs desires and emotions that Kaen didn’t know he had, and whose blood brings back fragments of memories.

As Kaen returns to his ancient home, a threat from his past arises and threatens to once again tear away everything that is precious to him. Will ancient blood and ancient soul bond be enough to save them all or will they be the very things that destroy them?


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The Force Reawakens

It’s been a while since I’ve felt like writing.  I think I burned out with the pushing to do 1K a Day for the year. (A goal that I am not going to reach, by the way, but that’s a post for another time.)

Plus, December has just been a pretty lousy month all around and I’ve been told that I can’t get a do-over. (Where’s a Tardis when you need one?)

Actually, it’s not just writing.  I haven’t felt much like doing anything.

But anyhow…

The urge to write — to create — is coming back.

Slowly and tentatively, but it’s gradually edging closer.

I think that part of what is bringing it back is something so simple that I could kick myself for not doing it sooner.

What is that?

I started writing.

Not novel writing, but writing. You know: the pen meets paper kind of writing.

My Passion Planner came in the mail yesterday. (According to the tracking it wasn’t supposed to come until tomorrow so that was a pleasant surprise!)

I started reading through the directions in the front of it.  (It’s more than just a day planner or organizer.  It also is designed to help you solidify your goals and create plans to achieve those goals, and then stick to them.)

Anyhow, just the act of writing stuff down on paper and then organizing my notes into something coherent and workable seems to have given me the pick up (or kick in the bottom) that I needed.

Maybe it was the act of putting pen to paper that did it. (I do know that it’s one of the best ways for me to break free of a writing block.)

Or maybe it was the fact that I was thinking of and working on goals, of making them concrete.  (It wasn’t even writing goals that I was working on.)

Whatever it was, I found myself thinking about my novels again, and my hand was almost but not quite twitching to pick up a pen or hit the keyboard.



I’m just not quite ready to venture back into it yet.

And when I do, it will be with easier, gentler goals.

And I’ve learned something important.

Sometimes, it’s all right to stop, step back, walk away, and take a break.

Eventually, your muse will find you on your island sanctuary and will hand you the pen you thought you’d left behind in a silent call to return to battle.


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Wednesday Words #52 (12/23/15)

Welcome to Wednesday Words!  Every Wednesday I will post some sort of prompt for a flash fiction piece.  The prompt will go live just after midnight Eastern time.

The prompt might be a picture, or it might be a list of things to include in a story, or maybe a phrase or a question or something from a “news of the weird” type thing, or a… who knows?

After that, it’s up to you.  But if you do use the prompt to write a bit of flash fiction (say, 500 words or so) I’d love to see what you came up with, so comment below with a link to where it is on your blog (or on WattPad or wherever).

(And a pingback to the post here where you found the prompt would be appreciated but isn’t necessary.)

Oh, and this isn’t a contest or anything.  It’s just a (hopefully) fun thing for all concerned.

And, hey, if it inspires more than 500 or so words, run with it!

This week’s prompt:


Use a childhood memory of Christmas(ish) as the basis for a piece of fiction.

Have a happy whatever you celebrate!

And, as always, I’d love to see what you come up with!


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In Search Of A Plan…


The countdown has begun.  There are only ten days left in the year, and you know what that means; it’s time to start thinking about the annual ritual of making resolutions that you know you won’t keep but make anyhow in a burst of eternal optimism.

And I have an urge to get rid of things that are cluttering up my life and organize the rest.

As part of that I am in search of the perfect planner.  (Who knew there were so many out there?  I’m telling you, there is a whole world of day planners that I never knew existed.  But don’t go there.  That way lies madness.  Madness, I tell you!  Madness!)

Ahem.  What was I saying?  Oh, yes, right…

Anyhow, the main thing is that I want to get organized. (You can all stop laughing now.)

So, of course, I’m making my lists (and checking them twice). (Yule/Christmas will not sneak up on me and catch me unprepared next year!)

And, of course, writing goals are a large part of that organizing and I think I may have found a way to tame the wild plot bunnies.

I pretty much always have pen and paper at hand. (What writer doesn’t?) So, as plot bunnies hop into my head I will write them down and later transfer them onto index cards. I’ll be doing this with stuff that I already have Word docs for, too.

Now, I know that adding more pieces of paper to my life seems counter intuitive for someone who is trying to organize and cut down on clutter, but I like having things where I can look at them and touch them. I need to see my stuff.

Now if I can just find a way to organize my time…

Which leads me back to the planner search.

Someone save me before it’s too late!

Or at least help a writer out by sharing your own tips and tricks for juggling writing, other hobbies, and life in general.


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Sunday Snippet December 20, 2015


Skipping ahead a bit.  Taliya has taken possession of her ship, named the VainGlory by its previous owner, and has moved it from the sales lot to a berth at the planet’s station.  She spent the night on board and has just finished breakfast at the station…


“Taliya Swann?”

She turned at the sound of her name to find two large men approaching her.  There was something official about their demeanor and she felt a wave of anxiety that was immediately followed by a flash of anger: what had her mother done to her this time?


“Could you come with us, please?”

She raised an eyebrow as a lifetime of training took over.  “Not until you tell me who you are and where you want me to go.”

The younger one flushed in embarrassment but the older one reached into the pocket of his jacket and showed her a badge:  Pendelia Four Planetary Investigations. “I’m Agent Capize and this is Agent Ridi.  We need to talk to you.”


“What do you know about Vastyne Byrd’s Ships?”

“Not much.  I purchased the Vain Glory from them, took possession last night.  Is something wrong?”

“Their business was destroyed last night – blown up.”

Want to read more snippets from some really great authors?
Check out Sunday Snippets on Face Book.








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Rainbow Snippet for 12-19-2015

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Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, bloggers, and readers to gather once a week and share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).   Check out all the other awesome snippets by clicking on the picture above.

I decided to continue with excerpts from my science fiction semi-paranormal M/M erotic romance, Sanguine, since it’s on sale for 99 cents for the remainder of the year.  I’m picking up from where I left off in last Saturday’s snippet.

Kaen asked Gregor what it was that he wanted…


 “To please you, Master.”

“Say it,” Kaen hissed.  “What do you want?”

“To be your Blood Slave, and to serve you in whatever other way you may desire.”

“No,” Kaen said.  “Tell me what you want.”

Gregor lowered his gaze.  “You know what I want, Master, what I want to be to you.”

“Say it.”

“I promised I would not speak of it again.”

“Say it.”



Kaen Yblis is a man with a past – if only he could remember it. He lost his memories in a duel with another vampire, and for centuries he has been alone, not even aware of all that had been torn from him.

Until he meets Gregor Vladescu, a young human who stirs desires and emotions that Kaen didn’t know he had, and whose blood brings back fragments of memories.

As Kaen returns to his ancient home, a threat from his past arises and threatens to once again tear away everything that is precious to him. Will ancient blood and ancient soul bond be enough to save them all or will they be the very things that destroy them?


Filed under writing

A Writer…

… is always thinking about writing.

It’s been… a week.

I’m relatively certain that my gallbladder is dying and is going to take me with it.  It started last Thursday; I had an ultrasound this morning and should know the results sometime Monday.  Meanwhile, my list of foods that don’t hurt is small and dull.

And, of course, being a nurse I’m taking note of the symptoms and being a writer I’m taking note of the sensations, like the fact that my stomach is always on the verge of rejecting food.  (It’s true that writers never seem to not be writing or thinking about writing.)

Last night we went to see the new Star Wars movie (which is why this post is late – I had to get up for the ultrasound this morning and am running on three and a half to four hours of sleep as it is).  I loved it.  I’m not giving any spoilers but if you are subject to motion sickness, take something for it before you go.  The special effects and camera work are… dizzying.

I really want to say more about the movie, but I don’t want to give even a hint of a spoiler.  There was something I noticed, though – maybe because I’m so attuned to looking for logic flaws in my own writing.  It was a minor glitch, and the explanation became apparent later, and I may have missed something earlier that would have explained it, but it jumped out at me.  I’m curious to know if anyone else catches/caught it.


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