Monthly Archives: September 2017

Rainbow Snippet for 9-30-2017

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Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, bloggers, and readers to gather once a week and share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).   Check out all the other awesome snippets by clicking on the picture above.

More from Onyx Sun, (which really will be finished some day) picking up from last week.


Ni drew a deep breath, staring at the chamber. 

“He is a Ferelian.  They…”  Ni frowned.  “They are not native to the planet we were on.  They are from Ferelis Three and they are… They are a primitive people, they do not have space travel.”

“Then he did not get there by himself.”  She frowned.  “Isn’t Ferelis a proscribed system?”

“Very,” Ayess said.  “The penalty for going there is death.”



Ayess’ race does not have words for he/she/his/hers, etc, because they are (for lack of a better term) hermaphroditic. Their pronouns to refer to other members of their race are “ni” (for he/she/him/her), “ni-es” (his/hers), “ni-en” (they/them) and “ni-en-es” for theirs.







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It Happened on Wednesday

I was at work, minding my own business, keeping an eye on the kid I’m there for, and out of nowhere came a wandering plot bunny.

And not just any wandering plot bunny.  Oh, no. Not this plot bunny.  This plot bunny is one that I really did not want to see.

It’s a prequel to the Academy of the Accord series. You know, the stand alone novel that is now a 13 book series that is making me tear my hair out.  Yeah.

This one is set way in the past, though, so won’t involve any of the current characters.  It follows the first wizard and Warder pair – starting out from the Fortress after the Wizard Wars ended.

Or maybe they left the Fortress to go to Barize to end the Wizard Wars. I’ll have to double check the history on that, to see exactly when the wizards were imprisoned in the tower at the Fortress. (Because, you know, I don’t have enough stuff to check for continuity and canon.)

Anyhow, I am not outlining that Academy of the Accord prequel. Just because I’m writing down some notes and trying to come up with names doesn’t mean I’m outlining it or planning to ever actually write it. Right?

Yeah, who am I kidding?

Certainly not me.

Or the plot bunny.

In fact, those two scenarios up there? Yeah, they’ve been blown out of the water by another one, and my notes are starting to look suspiciously like one of my outlines.

And, you know, it’s just over a month until NaNoWriMo.



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Wednesday Words #138 (9/27/2017)

Welcome to Wednesday Words!  Every Wednesday I will post some sort of prompt for a flash fiction piece.  The prompt will go live just after midnight Eastern time.

The prompt might be a picture, or it might be a list of things to include in a story, or maybe a phrase or a question or something from a “news of the weird” type thing, or a… who knows?

After that, it’s up to you.  But if you do use the prompt to write a bit of flash fiction (say, 500 words or so) I’d love to see what you came up with, so comment below with a link to where it is on your blog (or on WattPad or wherever).

(And a pingback to the post here where you found the prompt would be appreciated but isn’t necessary.)

Oh, and this isn’t a contest or anything.  It’s just a (hopefully) fun thing for all concerned.

And, hey, if it inspires more than 500 or so words, run with it!

This week’s prompt:

a secluded lake
a red splatter
a gate

And, as always, I’d love to see what you come up with!


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Grecian Formula for Plot Bunnies

It’s been a fairly productive weekend. Not so much where writing is concerned, but with taking care of other stuff that I’ve been procrastinating on.  It’s been too hot to do much, though, which means that I still have a couple swaps to finish up tonight so I can get them in the mail after work tomorrow. (On the other hand, glue is drying pretty fast.)

Back to work today, and it was a fairly low key day. We’ve kind of started a pool as to how many days he’ll be in school this week. (The world of nursing is strange. Almost as strange as the world of a writer.)

Writing-wise, nothing’s been written except blog posts. The journaling challenge that I’ve been doing on my other (Pagan) blog only has a few more entries to go, and I’m both happy and sad about that. It’s been nice to be kind of “forced” (even if it was voluntarily) back into the groove, but a post a day in addition to everything else gets to be a little much.

That’s not to say I’ve neglected novels.

Part of my mind is working out stuff for The Academy of the Accord and another part is busy trying to hide from old (ancient) plot bunnies.

Seriously old plot bunnies.

One wandered in the other day and I thought, “I should ask Danielle what this term makes her think of.” Then I started thinking and… OMG, I felt old! Danielle is one of my best friends and I have plot bunnies that are older than she is. (This one originated during the first Star Wars movie.)

(Do they make Grecian Formula for Plot Bunnies?)

And on that note I think I’ll go sit in a corner and melt…






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Sunday Snippet, September 24 2017

More from Song and Sword, the first novel I published, since I’m working on a sequel and need the motivation.  This follows a bit after last week’s snippet.  Time has passed but neither is aware of how much.


They shoved him ahead of them to the well known torture chamber, but this time it was brightly lit – they wanted him to see what was happening.  Kashrya was lying on a stone table, held down by Orcs, her clothing stripped from her.  When she saw Dakkas she closed her eyes, unable to bear the look on his face, not wanting to see him as he was forced to watch…

He struggled, but the Orcs holding him just laughed and tightened their grips on his arms. Weak and weaponless, he could do nothing but watch helplessly as a large Orc advanced on Kashrya, his huge member erect. “Please, no,” he sobbed silently as Kashrya cried out in pain and fear as the Orc touched her, his huge rough hands squeezing her flesh, bruised and welted from her torture, his oversized manhood pressing against her as he gazed down at her, savoring her terror.  “Please don’t let this happen to her.”  

The Orc’s laughter covered her sobs as he covered her body with his and a cold anger descended on Dakkas.  Raising his head, he called out in Drow, calling upon Rathen, the God of Vengeance, to rain down upon them that which they had wrought…

As soon as the last word passed his lips Kashrya screamed, the Orc laughed, and the world shook.





Song and Sword cover

Pashevel: a simple Elven Bard — and the Crown Prince

Marlia: a Paladin of Arithen, the Elven God of Justice – seeking vengeance for the destruction of her village

Dakkas: heir to the Drow throne — if his father and elder half-brother don’t kill him first

Kashrya: raised among a tribe of nomadic Humans, she is unaware of her true heritage — or of the prophecy that made her mother an outcast

Their goal: build a bridge between the Elves and their outcast brethren, the Drow, reuniting them and undoing the damage caused in a time so far gone that history has become legend and legend has become myth.

But first, they have a problem to solve:  how do you stop a war that hasn’t started?

Available for Kindle at Amazon

and at Smashwords for everything else


Find more great reading
at the Sunday Snippet group.


Filed under writing

Rainbow Snippet for 9-23-2017

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Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, bloggers, and readers to gather once a week and share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).   Check out all the other awesome snippets by clicking on the picture above.

More from Onyx Sun, (which really will be finished some day) picking up from last week.


“What happens if it fails with him inside?”

“He dies.”

 “Then let’s get him out of there.”


Taliya turned to face Ayess, searching ni-es gaze. “Ayess…”

“No.  He… He killed everyone. Ripped them apart…”

The Araxian was shaking and she put a hand on ni-es arm.  “And if we let him die we will be no less killers than he is.  And we will never know why it happened.”


Ayess’ race does not have words for he/she/his/hers, etc, because they are (for lack of a better term) hermaphroditic. Their pronouns to refer to other members of their race are “ni” (for he/she/him/her), “ni-es” (his/hers), “ni-en” (they/them) and “ni-en-es” for theirs.







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Progress = Standing Still

The Academy of the Accord is giving me a headache.

Yes, I know. I’m supposed to be working on Onyx Sun, and I am, but yesterday I had a few flashes of insight into The Academy of the Accord and scribbled them down (and typed them up so I could read them later).

One of those flashes of brilliance belongs with a scene that I’m pretty sure has been cut (but which I know still exists in one of the previous versions). The headache comes from not knowing what book it’s going to go in.

I’m pretty sure it can’t be Book 5.5 (which will be Book 6 eventually but I’m really not ready for the re-numbering headache yet!) but I’m not sure how to get it to fin into the current Book 6 of 7 either. Seven would be a better fit, I think.  It definitely has to come before Book 8.

I really need to get Onyx Sun finished and off to a beta reader so I can get back to work on The Academy of the Accord.

I think working on Onyx Sun (and catching up on the blog hops from last weekend, which I still haven’t done) is going to be my main goal for the rest of the day today – and maybe over the weekend, too, although I want to get this weekend’s blog hops done as they happen. (It seems like if I don’t do them on the weekend they don’t get done until just before the next round starts. I’m not quite sure why that is.)

In other words, my goals for today are pretty much the same as they were for Monday.

But on the other hand, at least I’m not any further behind.




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Wednesday Words #138 (9/20/2017)

Welcome to Wednesday Words!  Every Wednesday I will post some sort of prompt for a flash fiction piece.  The prompt will go live just after midnight Eastern time.

The prompt might be a picture, or it might be a list of things to include in a story, or maybe a phrase or a question or something from a “news of the weird” type thing, or a… who knows?

After that, it’s up to you.  But if you do use the prompt to write a bit of flash fiction (say, 500 words or so) I’d love to see what you came up with, so comment below with a link to where it is on your blog (or on WattPad or wherever).

(And a pingback to the post here where you found the prompt would be appreciated but isn’t necessary.)

Oh, and this isn’t a contest or anything.  It’s just a (hopefully) fun thing for all concerned.

And, hey, if it inspires more than 500 or so words, run with it!

This week’s prompt:

an apple
someone singing
a spider


And, as always, I’d love to see what you come up with!


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Interruptions, Distractions, and Annoyances

Predictably, no writing over the weekend.

I seem to have done an awful lot of running around on Saturday so pretty much nothing at all got done.

Most of yesterday was spent doing paper crafts. I have one more artist trading card to do to finish this swap and it’s almost done but it still needs… something. I just don’t know what that something is.

I had to cancel my car inspection for Saturday – it’s been rescheduled for tomorrow morning.

So today I have to:

  • do the Rainbow Snippet blog hop I didn’t do over the weekend
  • do the Snippet Sunday blog hop I didn’t do over the weekend
  • write the thrice cursed space battle!

And deal with the day job that is being super annoying as I’m trying to write this.

(I got a text that they didn’t get my time card so I scanned it and emailed it, and in the process of doing that I got a phone call that they didn’t get my time card. So I sent it and got an email that they got the emailed timecard but could I scan and email my log as well. Seriously? You couldn’t have asked me that when I was talking to you? I just got my scanner and program shut down. They’re gonna have to wait because now I’m more thoroughly annoyed than I was before.)

(On the plus side, I’m gaining a lot of villains for future stories!)

Off to find my logs…







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Sunday Snippet, September 17 2017

More from Song and Sword, the first novel I published, since I’m working on a sequel and need the motivation.  This follows immediately after last week’s snippet.


“Kashrya,” he whispered softly. “Believe me, I would never knowingly do anything to bring you harm, and I will never stop blaming myself for whatever it was that I did that brought you here.”

“I don’t think you did anything,” she told him, her voice soft. “I think that they would have taken me even without using me as bait for you.”  She edged slightly closer to him. “Thank you, for trying to rescue me.”

“Some rescue,” he said bitterly.

“Don’t,” she pleaded.  “Don’t blame yourself.  You tried.  That’s more than anyone else would have done.”   She paused and swallowed hard. “That’s more than anyone else did.”          

“What do you mean?”

“Some of the men, they started to follow… but the chief called them back. He let the Orcs take me.”

If he ever got out of here, Dakkas vowed, that chief would pay…


Song and Sword cover

Pashevel: a simple Elven Bard — and the Crown Prince

Marlia: a Paladin of Arithen, the Elven God of Justice – seeking vengeance for the destruction of her village

Dakkas: heir to the Drow throne — if his father and elder half-brother don’t kill him first

Kashrya: raised among a tribe of nomadic Humans, she is unaware of her true heritage — or of the prophecy that made her mother an outcast

Their goal: build a bridge between the Elves and their outcast brethren, the Drow, reuniting them and undoing the damage caused in a time so far gone that history has become legend and legend has become myth.

But first, they have a problem to solve:  how do you stop a war that hasn’t started?

Available for Kindle at Amazon

and at Smashwords for everything else


Find more great reading
at the Sunday Snippet group.


Filed under writing