Daily Archives: January 24, 2021

Sunday Snippet, January 24, 2021


I’m posting from my current writing WiP, Song and Shadow, a prequel to Song and Sword. It’s a rough draft and I still don’t have an actual outline for it so it’s going to be a fun ride.

Picking up from last week’s snippet.

But it wasn’t just the words that Pashevel noticed. He also saw their effect on a young man – little more than a boy, actually – who sat alone in a back corner of the tavern. The speakers, he noticed, were making sure that they spoke loudly enough for him to hear, and he was wincing at each statement.

“He won’t be on the throne long,” someone predicted. “He’ll be overthrown because he won’t stop those who talk treason.”

The lone figure flushed and Pashevel returned to the stage, led a couple more songs, then took a break.


“May I join you, Your Highness?”


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