Daily Archives: November 2, 2019

Rainbow Snippet for 11-2-2019

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Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, bloggers, and readers to gather once a week and share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).   Check out all the other awesome snippets by clicking on the picture above.

I’m gearing up for NaNoWriMo next month and have almost definitely decided that I will most likely probably be working on my “Steampunk thing.”  So, since I’m looking over what I have written of it (less than 2000 words) I thought I’d post bits from it to help me stay focused on it.

(Apologies for any language usage that’s anachronistic. I’ll deal with that once the first draft is done.)

This picks up from last week.

“I’m looking for one V.R. Madison. I want to apply for the position advertised in today’s paper.”

“In there.” She pointed into the room behind her. “I’m leaving. Door’s unlocked. Good luck.”

With that she drew her coat around her and stepped out into the rain, delicately picking her way around the worst of the mud and water.

I watched her go for a moment, wondering about that last line. It hadn’t sounded sarcastic, exactly, but neither did it sound like a bit of encouragement – quite the opposite actually, and I briefly considered following her away into the night, but the promise of steady pay and the dream of flying propelled me into the front office, closing the door behind me.







Filed under writing