Daily Archives: February 29, 2016

February Summary

Where did February go?  I mean, even though we got an extra day of it this year, here it is, the end of the month.  I guess that means it’s time to take a look at what progress I’ve made and what still needs to be done.

As usual, my list of things to do this month was a bit more overly optimistic.

I accomplished the following from that list:

entered the changes to The Academy of the Accord Book 2
finished the paper edits of The Academy of the Accord Book 3
started The Academy of the Accord concordance

Not done:

Onyx Sun revisions
paper edits of The Academy of the Accord Book 4
paper edits of The Academy of the Accord Book 5
write The Academy of the Accord Book 6

(I did start the paper edits of Book 4, though.)

So much for looking at last month.  What’s on tap for March is the real question.

Sadly, the current list of goals for March isn’t any better than February’s was:

finish paper edits of The Academy of the Accord Book 4
do paper edits of The Academy of the Accord Book  5
write The Academy of the Accord Book 6
enter changes to The Academy of the Accord Book 3
enter changes to The Academy of the Accord Book 4
enter changes to The Academy of the Accord Book 5
Onyx Sun revisions

I’m pretty sure that I can finish the paper edits of Book 4 and maybe do the paper edits of Book 5 (at least until I get to the part where I’m untangling it and books 6 and 7).  And I can definitely finish entering the changes to Book 3 and maybe even get Book 4 done. The rest?  Um, probably not.

At least April’s goals will be pretty straightforward:

write a poem a day for NaPoWriMo
write 50,000 words for Camp NaNoWriMo. (Book 6 is the first project I’ll be working on for Camp, and I have a couple back ups in case I finish it before hitting 50k.)

Then May will be here with even more unrealistic expectations…

At least I’ve taken the pressure off by not intending to get The Academy of the Accord released next year.  I’ll still over-schedule though – I always do.

And it has just occurred to me that I forgot to leave time to make changes to the books based on beta reader suggestions.

*crumples list into a ball and gives it to my rats to shred*



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