Tag Archives: deadline


Everyone hates deadlines, don’t they? (Well, except for Douglas Adams, who loves the whooshing sound they make as they go by.)

Anyhow, as I type this I have just over two hours before I have to get ready for work. Two hours to finish this blog post, and to finish editing a flash fiction piece for a contest and get it formatted and submitted.

The contest was launched a month ago, and no, I haven’t procrastinated writing for it. I’ve been thinking about it, coming up with and discarding multiple ideas, making several false starts that all want to take more than the allotted 300 words.

(I should seriously put together an anthology of failed flash fiction pieces.)

Last night (well, in the wee hours of the morning) I started writing with no clear concept of where I was going. I discarded the first start, started over, and ended up with something 310 words long that needed two names and a clearer ending.  But it was good enough – it was enough to start with.

So I saved it and went to bed (about three o’clock in the morning), scribbled a note to myself to make a change, and slept.  Now it’s down to 295 words and I’m taking a brief break before reading it over one more time.

And, oh, yeah. It needs a title. *sigh*

But all of this has been made possible by a deadline.

A real deadline, not one that I self-imposed.

One I can’t let go whooshing by.




Filed under writing

Four More Days

Only four more days left of NaNoWriMo (counting today) and I’m working all of them.

I have 11,000 words to go as of this writing, and need 2768 words per day to finish on time.

I think I can make it, but sleep may cease to be a thing I do.   Food may also become an unnecessary waste of time.

At least the story is rolling better now, although I do find myself skipping sections and leaving myself notes to fill it in later.  Some of it is legitimate – I have no idea how much of Cara’s training to show so I’m writing and making notes about what to do with that in revisions.

I also need to show her starting to get to know some people.  Maybe.  I’m not quite sure how to handle that, so I skipped it. I can go back and put them in later.

Right now the focus needs to be on rolling the story forward.  I know I’m not going to wrap it up by the end of the month (and next month I’m back to focusing on Book 6 of The Academy of the Accord so I can start the edits and revisions of the series in January) but I do want to be more into the thick of the action than I am now.

Yeah. I’m almost 40k into the story and not into the thick of the action.  There’s going to be a lot of stuffed cut when I get to the revisions.

But right now I just have four more days…



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Filed under writing