Daily Archives: March 11, 2024

Monday Miscellany

Well, I finally wrote the fight scene. Or non-fight scene. The poor mercenaries/guards didn’t stand a chance and it was over before it even began. I’ll emphasize the humor of it in the re-write, but at least it’s done, and wasn’t nearly as bad as I’d feared.

I never did find my noise-cancelling headphones, but haven’t really looked that hard for them. They weren’t where I thought they were, so now I’m afraid that they’re under the avalanche zone and I don’t feel up to tackling that at the moment.

Daylight Savings Time hit this weekend, and no one wanted to go back to work today. Not that anyone ever does on a Monday, but even I, the morning person, wanted to go back to bed.

But I went to work, because I need the money. (I used to have a t-shirt that said, “I Owe, I Owe, So Off To Work I Go.” I think I need that on a bumper sticker.)

I’m just feeling beaten down today. It’s a combination of things that seem to be sucking the life and joy out of me.

And to add insult to injury, there was snow on my car this morning — over a fairly heavy coat of ice.

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